BEYOND THE OVEN: Bumpdate {37 weeks}
You guys, we are still going strong with this preggo business!! Life is getting more and more tiring and even though I want him to be here already, I know he needs to stay in there for as long as possible to be a healthy strong boy. In other news, it needs to stop being HOT and HUMID. Anything above 80 degrees is difficult to deal with when one carries a giant bump.
Anyways, here’s what we have been up to since the last update (~5 weeks ago).
Me: “Honey, I need some pics for my bumpdate”
Mr J: “Can they not be boring of you just touching your stomach?”
How far along?: 37 weeks
Due Date: Still 7/29 although he is growing fast and the doctors predict he will be here sooner
Baby is the size of: Winter Melon (whatever that is)
Gender:ย still a BOY
Total Weight Gain:ย still hovering around 22 pounds. To be honest, I was unhappy about this the past monthย as a few people have mentioned I am a ‘skinny pregnant woman’. Even though it was meant as a compliment for most people (except this nail technician who went above and beyond to let me know I need to eat more..oeuff), I still felt like I was not doing a good job at being healthy and gaining appropriate weight. Of course my doctors are not concerned and he is growing fine…ahead if anything but I felt guilty at some point.
So we had fun posing..or pretending to pose.
Maternity clothes:ย If I wasn’t in maternity clothes then we have a problem. I am currently loving maxi dresses as they are very comfortable and make the heat bearable. I’m not sure why I’ve never been a fan of maxi dressesย before but I think after the baby comes, I would revisit them. I’ll share some pics of some favorite maternity maxi dresses on a Fashion Friday post next week. Above: Jeans (H&M Mama Skinny Jeans); Top (StitchFix Maternity Top)
Symptoms:ย Swollen feet, serious waddling like a duck, achy back, heartburn from everything, you name it. But to be honest, I can’t complain. These are all normal pregnancy side effects and I feel extremely blessedย to have made it this far without any complications.
Sleep:ย That’s a thing of the past. I accept evolution’s desire to train my bodyย for many sleepless nights to come.
Exercise:ย Just walks when I can. I’ve been working more hours in the lab rushing to finish up experiments and being on my feet all day long usually just drives me to the couch when I get home in the evenings.
Movement:ย We are moving less but I think someone is running out of space for all that acrobatics of the last few months. I think he gets the memo, it’s eviction time soon!
Best moment this week: We had our our last ultrasound appointment and it was great to see how much he has grown.ย He is ready to go and positioned correctly.
Food Cravings:ย Everything and anything carbs! I am bad I know. I made these doughnuts again just because I needed them ๐
Mood:ย My mood is much more stable now. We pretty much have everything set to go, thanks to two baby showers and the hubs. The hubs really surprised me as he is usually a last minute kind of guy. Hello, we still don’t have pictures hung up in our house since we moved TWO months ago. It’s a struggle to get him to do things he doesn’t want to do. But I think the fact that the last few of our friends who had babies all came around 32-34 weeks freaked him out and he pushed to get everything done.
Mr J: “Uhmmm, yeah that is not what I meant”
Nursery:ย I will say complete except for a few decor items. I just got some paintings from The Land of Nod to completeย our safari theme. I’ll get around to taking pictures at some point soon and share with you. We even organized his teeny tiny clothes this past weekend.
Looking forward to: finishing the most of my summer recipe content for you!ย I have a few recipes I’ve been working on thatย I needย to share before I head out to maternity leave. So bear with me if you get an overload of delicious, drool worthy summer recipes the next two weeks (more than my usual 2 posts/week).
Speaking of which, I intend to take some time away from the blogย when our little one arrives to spend time with him, our families and focus on being a mommy. Things will be slow around here in August and September. Butย of course I can’t leave you hanging completely.ย Iโve asked a few of my amazing talented blogger friends to fill in with some recipes and guest posts for you while I’m gone. I know you will LOVE them.
Ugh. I really wish people would keep their “fat” and “skinny” opinions to themselves. Every single person is different and you look wonderful!! Hope these last few weeks go smoothly for you! ๐
I’m a little late on this bumpdate, but I loved it! You look amazing, and I love the Mr. J commentary! I can’t even imagine how you must feel in this heat and humidity – hope you are eating lots of popsicles and ice cream!
Hhaha thanks Cate. I am doing lots of popsicles!!
You look amazing, Zainab! It is so exciting that he will be here soon. Keep us posted!!
You look like the most beautiful glowing pregnant lady ever. I’m not sure why so many people feel the need to comment on a pregnant lady’s size. I hope these last few weeks will be cool and go quickly. Best wishes for a speedy delivery. Can’t wait for you to share photos of your little babe. So excited for you!
You look incredible. And your captions, I love ’em! You and Mr. J crack me up! I’ve never understood why people choose to use the words fat and skinny, like, neither make the person feel good, soooo why use them again?? Like I said, you look incredible and I cannot wait until he gets here! He’s going to be so cute oh my gosh! I’m already psyched about this …
Haha I have no idea what a winter melon is and uh, Z, you can have all the donuts you want. If you’re going to carb load, donuts are the way to go! ๐
Hhahah thank you dear!! I hope he is cute ๐