A Classic Twist

Search Results

Your search for "apple" returned 234 results:

Skinny White Chocolate Cranberry Muffins

Skinny White Chocolate Cranberry Muffins

These Skinny White Chocolate Cranberry Muffins are tasty, indulgent and good for your waist line. They are everything you should be having for breakfast. Before we start with these skinny white chocolate cranberry muffins,...

banana coconut bread

Banana Coconut Bread

This banana coconut bread is soft, moist and of course bursting with coconut flavor! Happy Monday. How was your first weekend of 2014? I hope it was a good one. How are the resolutions...

Pear Walnut Chocolate Tart

This pear walnut chocolate tart is unique with a light, flaky pie crust, that crumbles with each bite and is full of chocolate, smooth walnut paste, and tender poached pears! (NOTE: Pictures were updated...

Spiced Pear Bread

Spiced Pear Bread

This spiced pear bread is moist, flavorful, and delicious! Filled with homemade applesauce, walnuts (optional), and fresh pears, it is seriously the best quick bread recipe. (Note: Pictures and recipes updated in Sept 2020)...

Happy Anniversary!

Happy Anniversary!

One year ago today I married my best friend and partner in crime. I can’t believe it has been 365 days already as I can still remember every single minute of that day vividly...

oatmeal chocolate chip cookies

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

Chewy oatmeal chocolate chip cookies made with applesauce and no butter! The perfect sweet treat for breakfast or a quick snack.     As we speak I am without Internet and cable. It’s been...

S'more cookies

July Bakin Friends

It’s the last day of July which means 1) it’s my birthday in 5 days and 2) summer is almost over and fall is close!!! Fall is my favorite season. I love the weather,...